Thursday, April 16, 2020

Lullabies Review Essay Example

Lullabies Review Paper Essay on Lullabies A wonderful collection of poems, lullabies from completely different poets. Lermontov, Harms, Kipling, Heine, Vvedensky, Tsvetaeva, Sapgir and many others. As well as folk lullabies from different countries Now, when my son grows up gradually to age, it will be possible to read him bedtime stories -. Not replaceable book. You can read it: To sleepers not to alarm, Do not scare primolkshih nests, We will write a custom essay sample on Lullabies Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lullabies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lullabies Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Quietly across the sky tread Golden legs stars . G.Geyne Or, was surprised to discover that the famous lines, about the evil Chechena, knife sharpening this is from the Cossack lullaby Lermontov: on the rocks flowing Terek, splashing muddy shaft; An evil Chechen crawls ashore, Sharpening his dagger; But your father the old warrior, hardened in battle Sleep, little one, be calm, Bayushki-bye stunning Sapgir poem Who else is sleeping: Spit coil Curling, cat. Warms velvet belly. to imitate him will not, To sleep curled up bad people . Or cult Zs - fade zodiac signs (ie, where about plant potatoes =)). When I am reading, remembering how it to me at night told his father, and regretted that the book did not include similar in mood and tone of a song by Mikhail Shcherbakov, in which about a dog that has been discontinued Zodiac. Sweetish taste in general, indeed, a magnificent collection of poems to sleep, a time when both the poem Rene de Obould: Everything in its crib do a wee. =) Well, like the most here these two poems: Guinea pigs, kids Asked pig mother: its true, we have the sea -? Well, said the mother -. And what is the sea -? Why do you need to know: Because we guinea pigs -? Well, said the mother What happens to the sea -? It can not see . -? Is it true we sea Well, said the mother -. you sea, too ? Well, said the mother -. The sea can dream -? Yes, the sea can dream, But you should sleep M.Ivensen, talk before bed Stars s in the sky brightened, The silence stands everywhere, And the moss is on the bed, Sleeps robin in the nest. I bowed to the robin, Quietly spoke to her -. The dream which you dreamed? I robin asked -. I forests great dream, I dreamed of the river and the fields, blue clouds floated, And the rustling poplar On the high bright stars sing songs I, startled the birds in the nests and heard me. Heavy, fed, healthy, Sleeps cow in the meadow. Thats me see a cow, For her with the question of escape: What do you dream a dream Hey, cow, answer me! And she told me: Do me a favor, Go away and do not bother me Do not disturb you have cows, . we, cows, sleep without dreams The villages cat on the window. purred in her sleep -.. What do you dream, cat Tell me more I And she said to the cat: -. Hush! Hush say Im in a dream dreamed mouse, not one, but three! The night came, the light went out, In the courtyard to sleep rooster. he sat on a perch. Sleeps cock and dreaming The stars shine, the night silent awoken I cock - What I saw you in a dream Answer me soon He says cock -. I dream Forty thousand roosters, And Im ready to fight with them. Lacerate I have them ready! Sleep cow, cat, bird, Sleeps cock. And on the bed Became Lyusha go to bed. Became eyes shut. The dream which had a Lyushe? Perhaps the green garden , Where not every branch pears Or apples hanging Wind grass rustles, The silence around costs. quiet, people, hush, hush, Do not make noise: Lyusha sleeps A.Vvedensky, Dreams (though in the book, a poem is not given in full (without the first five. quatrains.))

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