Thursday, December 12, 2019

Youth Crimes In Melbourne

Question: Write about theYouth Crimes In Melbourne. Answer: This paper is aimed at discussing youth crimes and how these crimes have run of control. Although the article will discuss the juvenile delinquency and how managing it has become difficult, it will mainly focus on youth offenses in Melbourne in Australia. Some of the key areas of discussion will include: The definition of juvenile crimes. Under this section, an analysis of youth crimes will be explicitly discussed. Providing examples of some of the crimes that are considered to be youth crimes. Causes of youth crimes. This section of the paper will highlight some of the reasons that young people indulge into crimes. The reason may range from peer pressure, poor education, attending low schools, coming from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and also an abuse of drugs. This paper backup with evidence and most especially cases from Melbourne will indicate how all the mentioned factors can affect youths and the impacts of these negative influences. Reasons why the youth crimes have run out of control and the consequences. This section will try to discuss some of the reasons that have resulted in youths crimes becoming so rampant thus raising a call for action. Clearly, the rate at which youth crimes have sparked a need for action so as to contain the situation. Also, some of the consequences will be highlighted. Remedies to youth crimes Regardless of the commonality of this situation, some ways can be employed to mitigate this situation. Therefore, this part of the paper will provide some relevant ways in which youth crimes can be curbed and help the victims. Remedies are usually generated after a critical analysis of the factors leading a condition has properly been looked. This way an efficient strategy package can be formulated so as to curb this situation once and for all. The paper will provide examples of effective remedies. Youth Crimes in Melbourne Youth crimes can be referred to the crimes that have been committed by juvenile offenders. Besides, it may mean a consistent anti-social and illegal behavior by a child at their immature stage to the point that parents cannot contain or correct it. Thus endangering the lives of others in a society and therefore becomes an issue of concern by the law enforcement authorities (Bor, 2004). In old times, it used to refer to behavior by teenagers that were completely inconsistent with the expectations of the society also referred to as an anti-social personality disorder. The teenagers involved in such crimes are normally between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. Some of the examples of violation and offenses committed by youths include: Larceny: This is common in situations such as shoplifting, stealing from people carrying backpacks and on several occasions stealing bicycles. Vandalism: Exemplified in issues such as graffiti and tagging, drawing weird patterns in public washrooms, cutting other people's auto tires and keying cars. Alcohol crimes; You will find underage purchasing and possess alcohol, consume it, give it out to peers of the same age, and to some extent having open contains in cars and public places. Disorderly behavior: This is commonly portrayed in public fights, cursing one's teacher, indecent exposure. Possession of illegal substances such as Marijuana: Commonly spotted in public places when teenagers smoke it or possess it in small amounts in their bags (Collins, 2009). Violation of curfews: When a child sneaks from home after they have been given a curfew or even violating curfew at a park. Criminal trespass: For instance, entering a someones land and vacant building without permission. Fraud: For example, one impersonating another and writing bad checks. Also, frauds committed via email. Possession of unlicensed weapons: Such a gun and metal knuckles without permission from the authorities. Causes of Youth Crimes in Melbourne The rate of youth crime is rapidly growing in the 46 Victorian municipalities and most rampant in Melbourne. The general number of offenses committed by young people in this state is growing fast, and new figures are rising each day. According to statistics provided by Crime Statistics Agency, about 25,636 crimes were committed by young people of age 18 and even more youth in 2016 with the violations including damage to property and theft in most common cases (Collins, 2009). The hotspot of youth crime is the city of Melbourne which records 20.3 percent raise to 1765 offenses. The youth crimes crisis was brought to attention when police made use of capsicum spray on some teenagers who were violent and who rampaged through Melbourne central business district substantially disrupting the Moomba festival that was going on. Some of the factors that contribute to are insufficient education. According to criminology data pertaining juvenile crimes and undereducated children, it clearly shows that there is a healthy relationship. Failure, in early stages, is a crucial factor for forecasting the future criminal behavior of a child (Cunneen, 2011). According to research conducted, showed that those children who had an opportunity to attend high-quality preschools were less likely to develop drug issues or be incarcerated when they are adults. Also, they were 22% less likely to be arrested for any crime in college. On the other hand, children from low-income homes are taken to public schools which are overcrowded and other times lack qualified teachers. Additionally, they lack enough funding for some extras such as textbooks, counselors, and special education (Cunneen, 2011). Some of these factors are the result of the school-to-prison tendencies. The chances and probability of children committing crimes are magnified by their lack of quality education which leads to poor performances and school dropouts. Another common contributor to juvenile delinquency in Melbourne is peer pressure. Adolescence stage is at that stage where a child is growing himself herself and is always seeking acceptance from others. The desire to fit in and be accepted acts a motivation for teens to fall into peer pressure. According to a recent survey, only 10% of young people claimed not to have been influenced by peer pressure (Ferrell, 2004). Even the young people themselves typically attribute peer pressure to be one of the reasons they indulge in risky behaviors. The other cause of youth crimes in Melbourne is substance abuse. This behavior in itself affects cognitive development thus reducing an individuals ability to evaluate risks. When it is combined with other factors, it can be a contributor to committing a crime. Consequences of Youth Crimes and why they have Run Out of Control Child crimes may have adverse effects on the individual who commits it, the family and the society as a whole. It may lead to school dropouts and imprisonment which may affect the education of the culprit (Hemphill, 2006). Besides, the parents or the guardians may be stressed to see the progress of their child, and the society may lack competent workforce and future role models to the younger children Remedies of Youth Crimes After a critical analysis of the factors of that cause crime among the young people have been properly done, and then a strategy package can be formulated to help curb and reduce the number of offenses. Some of the remedies include: Reducing Inequality and Provision of Adequate Education. It is very much possible for the Australian government to reduce inequality by properly utilizing the taxation tools which usually guarantee straightforward implementation. The lives of socially disadvantaged in the society can be made better especially if the minimum wage is increased in the country and reducing food inflation (Muncie, 2005). Additionally, upgrading the standards of public schools. For instance, employing qualified teachers, constructing more schools to curb overcrowding and providing enough funding to enable them access extras such as counselors and textbooks. Offering Moral Guidance Usually, the act of crimes is moral actions. According to criminologist and sociologists, morality ahs great importance in criminal behavior. Therefore, children will tend to learn right from wrong by aping the behavior of the adults they see throughout their lives. Children are proven to suffer moral poverty if the parents and guardians are not close enough so that they can learn. Such a child may be followed by such moral debt up to their adulthood which later begets juvenile (Narayan, 2004). The issue of peer pressure can be curbed by offering proper guidance to these children at all times. Parents instill in children the ability to differentiate between wrong and right hence ability to make personal decisions. As a result, they know who they appreciate who they are and will not attempt do what will get them feel remorseful. Regulation the Availability of Drugs The law enforcement agencies should regulate the availability of drugs so that very few young people get access to them. When a person becomes addicted to drugs, they are unable to function well and therefore are able to finance their expenses on drugs and as a result they steal from others to buy drugs (Windle, 2008). The solution to this addicts should be to be treated and cured rather than be saved from indulging into drug usage. Employment Provision Employment opportunities greatly reduce crime rates (Wyn, 2000). The Australian government can increase these opportunities by prompting the small scale industries by reducing the cost of electricity and offering incentives to curb the high cost of production. Reference List Bor, W., McGee, T.R. and Fagan, A.A., 2004. Early risk factors for adolescent antisocial behaviour: an Australian longitudinal study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38(5), pp.365-372. Collins, J. and Reid, C., 2009. Minority youth, crime, conflict, and belonging in Australia. Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l'integration et de la migration internationale, 10(4), pp.377-391. Cunneen, C. and White, R., 2011. Juvenile justice: Youth and crime in Australia. Oxford University Press. Ferrell, J., Hayward, K., Morrison, W. and Presdee, M. eds., 2004. Cultural criminology unleashed. Routledge. 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